| Name & Description |
| Name & Description |
 | 7art Shishkin's Painting ScreenSaver The Bard of the Russian forest brings you his famous paintings. |  | 7art Space ScreenSaver Teleport into deep Space stright from your desktop and
enjoy |
 | 7art Stripy Zebras ScreenSaver Enjoy the Stripy Zebras, the very special magical Horses ! |  | 7art Tropical Fish ScreenSaver 38 magical fish slideshow with 27 unique transition effects. |
 | 7art USSR ABC Book ScreenSaver Enjoy the most incredible 37-shots slideshow of the ancient USSR ABC Book ! |  | 7art Verdure ScreenSaver Enjoy the amazing slideshow of plants, grass and flowers at your desktop |
 | 7art Wild Forest ScreenSaver Take a minute and let your eyes rest on the peaceful images of the forest. |  | 7art Winter Forest ScreenSaver Want to know what the real winter is like? Check this one out! |
 | 7art Zodiac ScreenSaver Enjoy the magic of Astrology broadcasted from your CPU |  | 7Capture Fast and easy high quality screen capture software for Windows 7, Vista and XP |
 | 7Cove DemoRec Capture screen actions and sounds. Useful for capture internet streaming video. |  | 7Edit (HL7 browser/editor) 7Edit is a visual HL7 data browser, editor, validator and simulator |
 | 7-PDF Maker 7-PDF Maker ist a very good Freeware PDF Creator for Windows. |  | 7-PDF Maker Portable One of the first available extravagate and powerful PDF Creator for USB-Sticks |
 | 7Smoker Pro 7Smoker Pro allows you to change various settings in the Windows Registry. |  | 7Spins Casino 7Spins Casino - 80+ Casino Games, Accepting ALL Players |
 | 7-Zip 7-Zip is open source file archiver software with a high compression ratio. |  | 7-zip for 32-bit Windows 7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio. |
 | 7-zip for 64-bit Windows x64 7-zip for 64-bit Windows x64 is a file archiver software for x64 64-bit Windows. |  | 7-Zip for Mac 7-Zip for Mac is a file archiver with a high compression ratio for Mac OS X. |
 | 7-Zip for Windows Mobile 7-Zip for Windows Mobile is a file archiver with a high compression ratio. |  | 7Zip Unzip for Mac 7Zip Unzip for Mac is file archiver with a high compression ratio for Mac OS X. |
 | 8 Hour Shift Schedules for 6 Days a Week Templates for 8 hour shifts covering 1, 2 & 3 shifts a day for 6 days a week. |  | 8 Hour Shift Schedules for 7 Days a Week Templates for 8 hour shifts covering 1, 2 & 3 shifts a day for 7 days a week. |
 | 80 in 1 Best Flash games Game collection with 80 best flash games. |  | 8051 Hex Code Explorer The visual way of learning Intel 8 bit microcontroller's HEx Code with Assembly. |
 | 8085 simulator 8085 Simulator has a very user friendly interface and Now the ver 3.0.1 is out |  | 8848Soft PDF Splitter Split(burst, bursting) the Adobe Acrobat PDF files into individual pages. |
 | 8BallClub Billiards Online 3D Billiards Online with realistic graphics, detailed physics and lifelike sound |  | 920-804 Practice Exams At CertMagic.com you will find all Exams related to IT Certifications & More |
 | 99 Names of Allah for Mobile Phones Read, Search and Listen the 99 names of Allah in English and Arabic for mobile. |  | 99Chats 99Chats - Create your own free flash chat room for your blog or website |
 | 9Desks 9Desks creates 9 virtual desktops for better application management. |  | 9Rays.Net FlyTreeView for ASP.NET Treeview for ASP.NET (client model, ADO.NET, load-on-demand, drag-and-drop, ...) |
 | 9Squares The 9Squares is a fun arcade-style puzzle game for Windows. Tetris-like game. | | |