Windows Password Cracker 2.0 - User Guide and FAQ
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Using Windows Password Cracker
The operating system does not store users' passwords in their original clear-text form for security reasons. The actual user passwords are encrypted into hashed forms because they are sensitive information that can be used to impersonate any user, including the operating system administrator. The original password cannot be derived directly from a hashed password, so Windows Password Cracker does what any hacker does: it guesses. By automating the 'guessing' process, Windows Password Cracker reveals for administrators how tough a password is to crack.
Windows Password Cracker works by first obtaining password hashes from the operating system, and then hashing possible password values. When there's a match between a target hash and a possible password hash, a password is found. Therefore, to do its thing, Windows Password Cracker must first obtain password hashes from the target system, and then use various cracking methods to retrieve the passwords.
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