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Word Password Recovery MasterCrack password-protected documents created in MS Word 97/2000/XP/2003 (*.doc and *.dot files).
Word Password Recovery Master is used to crack password-protected documents created in MS Word 97/2000/XP/2003 (*.doc and *.dot files). The program allows you to reset "open" password and "protection" password, as well as to recover "write" password. So far users had to use a combination of various attack types (brute-force, dictionary attack, brute-force with mask, Xiew attack) to recover MS Word passwords. And there was a possibility that the password would not be found even after searching for many hours. If all the above mentioned methods fail, you can use a guaranteed attack of course. But it takes about ten days even on modern Pentium 4 computers, which is unacceptable for a regular user. The situation has dramatically improved for forgetful users since the release of Word Password Recovery Master. Now you can get access to your document within several seconds! Though the program does not actually recover passwords, it allows you to disable the entire protection for the document. No matter how long the password is, the utility will crack even the strongest password! Key Features:
You may ask, "How is it possible?" Actually our company's powerful server does all the work of finding the word key to unprotect document. Due to our server the total time of searching is reduced from ten days to just several seconds. To find the word key for decryption, we need only about two dozens of service bytes from the Word document. User Comments: [ Write a comment for this software ] No user comments at present! Related Programs:
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