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Basic Bookkeeping 6.1.10 - User Guide and FAQScreenshots - More Details
How to choosee Basic Bookkeeping ? Easy to use accounting software for small businesses Ideally suited for small businesses and individuals, OWL's Basic Bookkeeping (BBK) was rated the "Best of Business Shareware" by PC World and among the Best 100 Downloads by Computer Novice. If you have not heard of Basic Bookkeeping, you owe it to yourself to give it a try. As one user wrote: "I purchased your BBK program in February 2000. I did have doubts whether to buy as I could find no one who knew about it. I just wanted you to know I love it!! Thanks for an inexpensive, non-complicated, functional program." Designed for business owners, not accountants, OWL Basic Bookkeeping (BBK) makes bookkeeping quick, easy and affordable. Unlike double entry systems, BBK's single entry method is intuitive. If you have used "Dome" books, you will be right at home with BBK. The single entry method is well suited to small businesses including sole proprietors, partnerships and S-corporations. As Diane Benson of North Carolina wrote: "I have used the Dome system for years. Your program is nothing short of a God-send for me." Favoring functionality over glitzy graphics, the user interface reduces input time and errors. Many of our users have come to appreciate BBK's elegant simplicity after being frustrated by Quick Books and other bloated accounting systems. BBK's comprehensive reports are instantly available to help with business decisions. The reports are clear, concise and designed to organize income and expense information to support analysis of business activities, and preparation of taxes by either you or your accountant. Business success starts with intelligent money management and you can't know where you're going unless you know where you are. BBK allows users to customize their data entry through the use of data folders. Each folder may contain income and expense data for a single business, a division within a business, or an individual. Reports may be generated for a single folder or for any combination of folders. For example, a property owner who dedicated a data folder to each rental property could report income and expenses for each property individually and all properties together. Basic Bookkeeping is linked to OWL Simple Business Invoicing and Inventory (SBII) management program which provides complete tracking of sales, customers, receivables and inventory. The combination of BBK and SBII provides a complete business management solution for many small businesses. System Requirements * Windows 95/98/Me/XP or Windows NT 4/2000 * A hard disk with approximately 1.6 Megabytes of available space * 8 Megabytes of memory. Screenshots - More Details |
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