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Cutter 1.42Make of the patterns of waistline garments, namely skirts, skirt-pants, lady's and men's pants and jeans etc.
"The Cutter" program does the calculation and patternmaking with the following printout of the drafts in scales 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4 on paper of any format. Garment design involves 2 stages of drafting: the 1st stage is drafting a basic pattern, the 2nd is drafting decorative lines and making cutting alterations. The drafting of a basic pattern is the drafting of a design scan of smoothed outlines of human figure with the necessary eases and decorative finishing based on the basic body measurement points. The first stage (drafting a basic pattern) is the most labor-consuming one, though if fashion or models change, the rules of drafting a design and the calculation formulas remain constant. This program releases a cutter or designer from the routine work of patternmaking or adjusting the already made patterns to fit the custom measurements and gives broad opportunities for creativity. A basic pattern is being made to fit a figure of the person whom the measures are taken from and there is a possibility to sew a garment without additional fitting and adjusting to custom figure. All elements of the draft are made by calculation and have been proved by many year's experience. You can make all necessary alterations on the printout of a basic pattern, and then lay it out to the fabric, using a table of measurement results and cutter's drawing scale if you need to alter anything. Key Features:
Cutter is a wonderful clothes design application. Just enter the proper figure data, and the software will automatically generate the design drawing. It's professional, standard and the detailed data are included in the result drawing. You can now design skirt, lady's skirt-pant, men's and lady's jeans, men's pants and loose fitting with Cutter. And maybe more patterns are available in afterward versions. User Comments: [ Write a comment for this software ] No user comments at present! Related Programs: |
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