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ProKon 10.0s - User Guide and FAQ

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Using ProKon

ProKon is easy to use. When you first start the program, you are presented with a window titled 'The Calculation Companion'. This window is used to enter the general class of conversion that you wish to make. For instance, if you wish to convert centimeters to feet, you would select the 'Length' item. A selection is made by either using the arrow keys to move the highlight bar to the item you wish to select and pressing , or by clicking on the item with the left mouse button. Anytime you are presented with a pick list window, selections are made in the same manner.

Once you have selected a Conversion Class, you will be presented with a window titled Calculation . . .' which shows possible conversions for that class. Select one of the units from the list at the top and one from the list in the center. The bottom list will only display the units for which a valid conversion can be performed, depending on which unit is selected in the topmost list.

A value may be entered in the edit field in the upper center of this window. If the blinking cursor is not in the edit window, click in the window with the left mouse button or press the 'Tab' key repeatedly until it is. Once the cursor is in the edit window, the value to be converted may be entered. As each digit of the value is entered, the 'result' window at the center of the window will be updated with the result of the conversion. If you make a mistake entering the value, backspace and enter the correct value. Note that the unit chosen to 'convert from' should be highlighted in the list toward the top and the unit chosen to 'convert to' should be highlighted in the list toward the bottom

At any time that you wish to clear the value entered in the edit window, press the 'Clear' button. This action clears all of the values shown in the edit window

At any time you may return to the Conversion Class window (the main ProKon window). Simply press the 'Home' button to exit the calculation dialog window and return to the Main window.

Most windows in ProKon can be stretched or shrunk to a size or position to suit the personal preferences of the user. Placing the mouse cursor directly over a right, left, top, or bottom window border until the mouse cursor changes to a double-ended arrow allows stretching of windows. Then, by holding down the left mouse button, the window can be dragged to a new size and most of the elements in the window will be resized in proportion to the new window size. The width and height of a window can be changed simultaneously by placing the mouse cursor on any corner of a window, holding down the left mouse button, and dragging to a new size. Once a window has been resized, ProKon will remember the new size until you next change it.

The Restore Window Size/Position option in the Preferences menu allows you to restore all of the windows in ProKon to their default size and position. If you select this menu item, you will be presented with a confirmation window in which you must answer "Yes" before the restoration will take place.

The Maximize All Windows option in the Preferences menu allows you to maximize all resizable windows in ProKon to full screen. If you select this menu item, you will be presented with a confirmation window in which you must answer "Yes" before the windows will be maximized.

Rules for Writing

A number of rules have been established for writing SI Unit names and symbols.
  1. Unit symbols should not be followed by a period unless they come at the end of a sentence.
  2. Unit symbols should never be pluralized.
  3. The unit symbols are always written in lower case unless the unit name comes from a proper name, in which case the first letter of the symbol should be capitalized, as in Pa for pascal. In some countries, notably the United States and Canada, an exception is the symbol for liter, L, which is capitalized.
  4. Always write 123 cm, not 123cm. In other words, leave a space between the numerical value and the symbol. An exception is made when writing the symbols for degree, minute, and second of plane angle. Write 18" not 18" In the latter case, there should be no space between the value and the symbol.
  5. Do not use a space between a unit symbol and its prefix. In other words, write km NOT k m.
  6. Use symbols, not abbreviations, e.g., write NOT deg C.
  7. When a quantity written as a number and a unit is used as an adjective, use a hyphen between the number and the unit symbol. For instance, write '40-cm length of rope' or ' two-liter pail'.
  8. When occurring at the end of a line, never separate a numerical value from its corresponding unit symbol.
  9. Always use upright text for writing unit symbols, never italics or other special text attributes.
  10. Never mix symbols and names in the same expression. For example, write either m/s or meter per second but never m per s, meter per s, meter/s, or m/second.

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