Fund Manager - Advisor 7.7 - User Guide and FAQ
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Frequently Asked Questions - Fund Manager - Advisor
- Can I track investments in more than one currency?
Yes. You can track investments in up to 8 different currencies in the same portfolio.
- I only want to retrieve prices for one investment in my portfolio. How can I do this?
Open up the Portfolio Editor (View / Portfolio Editor) and select any investment(s) you would like to update. You can use the Ctrl and Shift keys to select multiple investments. Right mouse click on the selection and choose "Retrieve Selected Prices".
- Can I track options in Fund Manager?
- I own shares in the same security in different accounts. How do I track this?
To track the same investment with different transaction histories, create a new investment file (select "File/New Investment...") for each account holding the same fund or stock. This will allow you to record different transactions for each account. Each investment will have the same ticker symbol, but you will assign them unique filenames. For example, you can track two accounts holding IBM by creating 2 investments, both could be named IBM. Both investments would have the ticker symbol IBM, but then the filenames would be IBM1.dat and IBM2.dat.
- When I open my portfolio my screen "flickers" for a long time. What is this, and how do I fix it?
Portfolios can remember which reports to create when opening a portfolio. If you have many reports stored in your portfolio you may see "flickering" when opening your portfolio. You can close all of your reports and re-save the portfolio, or turn off this feature completely. You can turn this feature on/off under a reports menu by selecting "Options / Report Preferences... / General" and turning on/off "Portfolios Store and Recall Reports".
- Why do I get the message that investments in the auto-backup directory are currently open?
Fund Manager can automatically back up your investment data for you. It does this by copying your investment files into a directory you can specify. To control the automatic backup settings see the "Options / Preferences... / Data" dialog. Also use this dialog to determine the location of the automatic backup directory.
You should normally not have any investments opened directly from this automatic backup folder. If you do, you will get an error when Fund Manager tries to do its next automatic backup.
To fix this problem create a Custom report with the field "Path and filename", so you can see the directory where all your investments are located. Once you identify the problematic investments use the Portfolio Editor to re-save these investments to a new location. Select each investment you need to move, and then choose "File / Save Investment As..." and assign that investment a new filename outside of the automatic backup folder. Repeat this for each investment located in your auto-backup directory, until all the investments are saved outside of this folder.
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