SpreadsheetConverter to ASP ASP.NET 3.6.4 - User Guide and FAQ
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Adding an SpreadsheetConverter page to a FrontPage site
Here's a step-by-step instruction on how to insert a web page created by SpreadsheetConverter into a FrontPage web.
- Select File > Import and press Add Folder. Navigate to and select the folder created by SpreadsheetConverter. Press "OK".
- If necessary, drag the imported folder to a suitable location in the folder structure for the web. Modify the folder name if necessary.
- Open the folder and open the SpreadsheetConverter web page in the FrontPage editor. Note that the web page has very basic formatting and contains no navigational bars. From the menu, select File > Properties and set the page title (appears in the title bar of the web browser).
- If all pages of your web have common elements, e.g. a common heading and/or footer section or a navigation tool, ensure that these common elements are inserted also into the new page. Note that there are many ways to perform this step depending on your preferred toolset.
- If the formatting is incorrect or the page doesn't recalculate, you have been affected by a minor bug in FrontPage. Some versions of FrontPage insert an extra tag when importing pages. To correct this, turn to the editor's HTML view of the page. Verify that there are two tags in the document. If there are, move the tag so that is it located immediately after the second tag, then delete the first tag.
- If you web uses themes, select Format > Theme. Select "Selected page(s)" and apply the default theme (at the top of the list) to the new page. Press "OK".
- If your web uses shared borders, select Format > Shared Borders. Select "Current page" and "Reset borders for current page to web default". Uncheck all other options. Press "OK".
- Select the Navigation view and drag-and-drop the inserted page to the correct location in the navigation structure.
- Still in the Navigation view, click on the inserted page and give it a page banner text (appears in the page banner).
- Still in the Navigation view, right-click on the page that you just moved and make sure that 'Included in Navigation bar' is selected.
- When you've done all the necessary modifications to your site, publish it to the web server.
Now, your page should appear like the other pages in your web site and the navigation structure should include the new page.
Frequently Asked Questions - SpreadsheetConverter to ASP ASP.NET
- How would I get the ASP.NET-page to update without clicking on the update button?
If you want that, the page will be submitted to the server, calculated, returned and redrawn by the browser each time. This will be rather slow.
Also, the cursor will not be placed in the correct cell.
However, for small web pages it might work. If you use ASP.NET, setting the autopostback-property will do this for you.
- I installed the DOTNET-framework but ASP.NET still do not work.
If you installed IIS after the DOTNET-framework, you get that behaviour.
The framework can't configure IIS before it is installed.
Solution: Execute the aspnet_regiis.exe in the Framework directory.
- Basically your application will recalculate fields on the screen? Is this correct?
- Does SpreadsheetConverter (previously known as ExcelEverywhere) support conversion of spreadsheets where by the main worksheet refers to data in other worksheets?
Yes, all relevant formulas and tables will be used, regardless on which workssheet they are.
- How can I store the form values in a database?
You want to store the values from your ASP.NET form into a database and repopopulate the form when the user returns back.
Connecting an ASP.NET form created with SpreadsheetConverter to a database is very easy if you know some programming and Visual Studio.
- What level of expertise is required to use SpreadsheetConverter (previously known as ExcelEverywhere)?
If you are familiar with basic software such as MS Word and Excel then you have the required skill set.
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