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Magic Snake Game II   - User Guide and FAQ

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Basic Rules

  • What is the goal of the game?
    The goal is to score points and pass levels by having the snake eat magic berries while avoiding losing all the snake's lives. The higher the level you are playing on, the more points you have to score to get to the next level.
  • What kills my snake? When is the game over?
    Your snake dies if its head collides with its body, with a rock or with another snake (in the two player mode). After a collision, your new snake restarts with five units long and is able to travel through the rocks for 2 seconds without losing an additional life. When all the snake's lives are gone, the game is over.
  • How many lives does the snake have at the start? Can I earn extra lives?
    The snake has 3 lives to at the start and earns 1 extra life for each 5000 points you score. For example, you earn one extra life when you get to 5000 points and another extra life when you get to 10000 points.
  • What happens when my snake eats a berry?
    Each time your snake eats a berry, you earn at least five points. With some types of magic active, you earn bonus points for each berry eaten. For each berry eaten, your snake grows one unit longer. Every time a berry is eaten, a new berry, which can be of any of the five basic berry colors, drops into the pond.
  • Where do the rocks come from?
    The snake's heart can't support more than 24 units of length. If it eats enough berries to get to be 25 units long, it saves itself by shedding 20 units. The units that are shed turn into rocks that must be avoided by the snake as it travels around the pond.
  • What happens when I score enough points to reach the next level?
    All the berries disappear from the pond but all the rocks remain. Your snake comes to a stop. New level starts and five new berries drop into the pond. Restart the snake in the same way you restart after a collision. Your new goal appears on the scoring progress bar.

Magic Tour

  • How can I score points faster?
    Use magic! Every time the snake eats five berries in a row of the same color, something magical happens. Something different happens for each different color berry.
  • If the snake eats five BLUE berries in a row ...
    If the snake eats five BLUE berries in a row, it starts to rain and thunder! Yes, this does make it harder to see what's happening under the water but during the 15 seconds that the rain lasts, each berry the snake eats is worth 10 extra points. In addition during the rainstorm, five extra berries will drop into the pond. This is a good way to increase the berry supply when there are not many berries in the pond.
  • If the snake eats five GREEN berries in a row ...
    If the snake eats five GREEN berries in a row, the earliest five rocks turn into new berries. If there are no rocks in the pond, nothing will happen. This is a good way to decrease the amount of rocks and increase the berry supply in the pond.
  • If the snake eats five ORANGE berries in a row ...
    If the snake eats five ORANGE berries in a row, it launches a beam of golden light in the direction the snake was moving. If the golden light hits another berry or a rock, whatever except golden berry was hit turns into a golden berry. If the snake eats the golden berry, you earn 30 extra points. If a golden berry is hit, it is blasted by the golden light and everything around it are removed by the blast.
  • If the snake eats five RED berries in a row ...
    If the snake eats five RED berries in a row, it moves much faster. Each berry it eats while moving at high speed is worth 5 extra points. The snake will speed around the pond until it eats another red berry. Yes, it is true that speed can kill but if you can avoid a collision, you can score points quickly.
  • If the snake eats five PURPLE berries in a row ...
    If the snake eats five PURPLE berries in a row, it will shorten to half of its previous length. Now you can go on eating berries and scoring points without causing the snake to get too long and shed units that turn into dangerous rocks. The shorter the snake the easier it is to navigate without crashing the snake into its own tail.
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