Slick Sweeper 3D 1.0.4063 - User Guide and FAQ
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Minimum Requirements
- Microsoft Windows 98 SE / 2000 / ME / NT 4.0 / XP Operating System or Higher
- 3D Graphics Support with DirectX v8.1 or Higher
- 400 MHz Processor
- 64 MB of RAM
- 35 MB of Free Hard Disk Space
Recommended Hardware
- Microsoft Windows XP Operating System or Higher
- nVidia GeForce 3 Series or Higher / ATI Radeon 7000 or Higher
- 1200 MHz Processor
- 256 MB of RAM
Slick Sweeper 3D consists of a group of unknown blocks. Somewhere within these blocks are hidden a certain number of "mines". The number of blocks and the number of mines that are hidden both depend upon the skill level being played. The objective is to correctly identify as quickly as possible which blocks contain mines. This is achieved by looking at information that is provided by "markers" identifying the number of mines directly touching each marker. For example, if you see a number "1" on the screen, this means that out of all the blocks directly touching this "1" only one block contains a mine. So if there IS only one block touching the "1", that block MUST be a mine. Once you know this you flag the block and look at the next number.
Frequently Asked Questions - Slick Sweeper 3D
- Why does this game run slow on my machine on the more difficult levels?
On the more difficult levels there are upwards of 200,000 polygons being rendered on the screen. This may not sound like a lot nowadays with graphics cards being able to render billions of polygons per second, however, it is. Due to the nature of the constantly changing cube and blocks, there are computations that must be computed over and over whenever any user input is acquired. Other types of 3D games can change an objects rotation or location and still render the object (which may contain thousands of polygons) all at once. This game must render each block as it's own object, thusly slowing performance. We are sorry if the game runs slow and are constantly working to improve performance.
- I can't figure out how to play, I tried the tutorial but still I'm confused.
This game can be very confusing, especially when you first start. A little knowledge of the original Minesweeper that comes with the Windows operating system is very helpful. Try starting on 'Classic Beginner' difficulty for a little while until you get the hang of how the mines and numbers are connected.
- How do I zoom in closer to the cube?
To zoom in and out you may use the mouse wheel if present on your mouse or use the plus (+) and minus (-) keys if you do not have a mouse wheel.
- While I'm playing Slick Sweeper other programs take a long time to open on my computer.
Slick Sweeper takes a lot of computing power to run. It is a complicated 3D application. It is not recommended to have many other programs running while you are playing Slick Sweeper.
- I am holding the mouse buttons, why won't the cube rotate or move?
Verify that the mouse buttons are not "locked". If there are lock icons in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, they ARE locked. To unlock the mouse buttons choose "Unlock ____ Mouse Button Ability" from the options menu.
- What does "Frames Per Second" mean in the 'Display' menu?
Frames per second is the number of times the screen is drawn per second. The human eye can see about 30 frames per second, so anything less than that will appear to flicker. This option is there so you can try to adjust the settings for better performance.
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