Pirate Isles 1.9 - User Guide and FAQ
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Movement Rules
- Pirates on the ship move with the ship.

- The ship can move along the coast, if there are no enemy ships in the map cell.
- The pirate can land in the map cell that is in front of his ship only. But the pirate can board the ship of the same team from three nearest map cells.
- Pirate can move on the island in all eight directions. Pirate can not move into the sea cell, if there is no ship of the same team there.
- Pirate can not move to the enemy ship.
- When the pirate moves into the map cell, the fog is removed for all teams.
- One pirate can carry one sack of gold only.
- The pirate always picks the gold on the map cell, where he stands if he is not carrying gold already.
- Pirate can attack an enemy pirate. The attacked pirate will be moved to the ship of his team, and the gold will be left where he stood before. To attack, move your pirate in the map cell with an enemy pirate or pirates.

- There can be two pirates of the same team on the same map cell only. No other pirate can enter the map cell, where two pirates are standing.

- You can not only attack enemy pirates, but shoot them using a pistol. To fire, click on a Pistol icon, point the "target" cursor on enemy pirate and click right mouse button. The shot pirate will be moved to the ship of his team, and the gold he carried (if any) will be left where he stood before. You can shoot any enemy pirate outside of his ship. A pirate in the swamp or on the ship can not fire pistol.

Frequently Asked Questions - Pirate Isles
- What do I need to get a full version of Pirate Isles?
You need to download free trial version first.
- What is a game ID?
The game ID is an unique number of your game copy. You will need this code during the upgrade(registration) process.
- Where can I see my game ID?
Click on Register Now button in the game Menu screen. The window will appear, where you can see an ID as well as the form where you are to enter the registration number you will get from registration service.
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