KoolMoves 5.1.7 - User Guide and FAQ
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How To Tips
- To select a shape or points under another shape:
Select the shape on top and then press CTRL H to hide the shape thus revealing what is underneath. Press CTRL H again to undo the hide.
- To change the fill of a shape everywhere:
Select the shape with the selection scope set to All Frames. Whatever you do to the shape is now reflected everywhere. You are prompted first before global changes are implemented.
- To name a shape, select a shape by name, or select a hard to get at shape:
Use the Shape List tool. Using this tool, you can select individual shapes or multiple shapes with CTRL and SHIFT select.
- To combine KoolMoves, Swish, and Flash authored movies:
Use the frame or button load movie action to load movies created by other tools or import the movies as objects.
- To create a tiled background:
Create a rectangle slightly larger than the movie frame in the first frame and send it to the back. Use the fill tool to fill the rectangle with your image. It will tile. Copy the rectangle, go to the second frame and use Edit > Paste to end of movie.
- To overcome Flash movie size limitation:
The Flash player sets a limit on the size of the main SWF. If you are including a large sound file, make it a separate SWF and use load movie action to load it into the main movie. In this way you can effectively double the allowed size of the movie. This approach works in general for creating large animations. Moreover, breaking the movie into pieces results in faster internet loading.
- To make an entire SWF a link on a web page:
Put a shape the size of the movie frame filled with the background color in all frames, send it to the bottom and make it a button OR put a shape the size of the movie frame filled with a totally transparent color in all frames and make it a button.
- To reposition the movie frame in the main editing window:
Use Options > Reposition Movie Frame.
Frequently Asked Questions - KoolMoves
- What is Flash?
Flash was developed by Macromedia to make it possible to have high impact web sites, alive with animations, sounds, interactive interfaces, and powerful graphics. Flash utilizes a very compact vector graphic format, so Flash animations download quickly. Flash has a huge market penetration, making it an ideal choice for your web site needs.
- What is special about KoolMoves?
KoolMoves takes an approach to Flash movie creation that is in tune with the animation process, because it was designed by a professional animator. It is a mature animation package with ease of use and power as guiding principles. KoolMoves makes it easy to create a Flash movie. All you need is an idea.
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