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AVD Batch Converter 1.6 - User Guide and FAQScreenshots - More Details
Advanced Options ResampleThe process of changing the resolution or size of an image to change the number of pixels it contains. Upsampling increases the resolution, increasing the number of pixels; downsampling reduces the resolution, decreasing the number of pixels.A dialog allows you to choose the new size for the image.You can type over the old numbers. The first number is width, the second height, both in pixels. Leave the Maintain aspect ratio box checked, type in one number and the other will be calculated for you. Paper sizeChanging paper dimensionsYou can change the dimensions of an image by increasing or decreasing its height and width. Changing the paper size lets you modify the dimensions of the printable area, which contains both the image and the paper. When you resize the paper, you increase or decrease the paper-colored border, but not the dimensions of the image. Cropping imagesCrop The process of cutting unwanted areas of an image without affecting the resolution of the information that remains.You can crop an image to remove unwanted image areas and to reduce its size. Cropping does not affect the resolution of the remaining areas. The resulting image is always rectangular. Rotate/flipYou can change the orientation of images by flipping or rotating them in the image window. You can flip an image horizontally or vertically to reposition scanned images or to create unique effects.When you rotate an image, you can specify the angle and direction of rotation, as well as the paper color that is visible after the image is rotated. Color effectAuto equalize The Auto equalize filter performs a flat equalization of the shadows, midtones, and highlights in an image by automatically redistributing the significant pixel values throughout the tonal range.Negative The image is converted to a reversed color version of the original. Contrast The Contrast filter lets you adjust the tone and contrast of an image while preserving shadow and highlight detail that is lost when you adjust the brightness, contrast, and intensity of an image. An interactive histogram lets you shift or compress brightness values to printable limits. The histogram can also be adjusted by sampling values from the image. Screenshots - More Details |
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