The Complete Genealogy Reporter - Create narrative GEDCOM reports and books with fully cross-referenced
texts, notes, media, and family tree diagrams. It can incorporate all
relationships, for any individual in your GEDCOM file.
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2.93 MB
OS: Windows 2000/XP
Precision Genealogical Tools
- Analyse and check a family tree for accuracy, take problems out of sharing data, identify data that has been exported elsewhere, modified, and then brought back in.
Reunion Planner
- Allows you to quickly enter/update alumni data, print, view and export various lists, track expenses and receipts, print mail labels, and much more! |
Kinship Archivist
- Display your family tree on the Internet with Kinship Archivist. The program attempts to provide a user-friendly method for entering and changing complex genealogical relationships and information. |