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Precision Genealogical Tools a different way to record, chart and share genealogical information ...
There are many different programs that set out to record your family tree and present it in an attractive format. But how accurate is that tree? If someone were to check your tree, how certain can you be that there are no glaring discrepancies lurking in there? If there was such a discrepancy, how much work would need to be done to rectify the problem? Precision Genealogical Tools is a product that aims to take the problems out of sharing data, should you wish to share it. Apart from using cryptographic techniques to encrypt data before sending - which we feel is a critical issue that is not sufficiently addressed by other programs; the program has the ability to identify data that has been exported elsewhere, modified, and then brought back in. The program can be used also for family reconstruction projects, and for one-name studies where collaboration is important. There is no predefined structure within which Precision Genealogical Tools tries to constrain your data, and there is no necessity to enter data that relates to existing data. The program can be used to test Multiple Candidacy theories you may have, and to reverse and reapply the links if further research proves a theory to be false - without disturbing the Primary data that you have collected. Precision Genealogical Tools can also be used to import GED format files and present your data in a way that is much more relevant to researchers than is possible with other programs. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the program in finding errors, the Royals GED tree is included as a Tutorial within the program. This GED has been circulating on the web for many years without amendment, and many sites seem to treat it as being correct. This is a fantastic piece of research by Denis R Reid, but it was never intended to be treated as finished by its author, by the look of correspondence embedded in the GED. I have no wish to pick holes in this work - at the time it was compiled, the tools available to check voluminous data such as this were not available. With the advent of Precision Genealogical Tools I hope that many will feel inspired to work on this project and correct the anomalies. I think the reason why nobody has attempted to update it is the difficulty of finding where the errors are. By running integrity reports on the data, Precision Genealogical Tools is able to pinpoint those errors and to help you correct them. Key Features:
People who live to well over 100 years old, were born before their mother was, married before they were 10. Things such as this are easy to spot with Precision Genealogical Tools, it enables you to enter in from scratch a variety of genealogical information - primary, secondary and miscellaneous, which can be used to produce family trees. This software can be used also for family reconstruction projects with trial version is not time restricted, but there are certain features which are disabled, and printouts have an "evaluation" watermark on them. Please be aware that the program is constantly being improved and updated. Precision Genealogical Tools has instructived, made our lives rich. User Comments: [ Write a comment for this software ] No user comments at present! Related Programs:
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