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Pornblocker   - User Guide and FAQ

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Instructions For Use Pornblocker is a PICS rules file that can be loaded into Internet Explorer 6. These are very detailed instructions for the loading of the pornblocker_demo.prf file but the procedure is fairly intuitive. To load the demo database into your browser simply open one instance of your browser and select Tools - Internet Options from the menu. The Internet Options dialogue box will appear. Select the Content tab. Click on the Settings button in the Content Advisor section. Select the Advanced tab. Towards the bottom click on the Import button, locate the pornblocker_demo.prf file and import it. Once the import is done a dialogue box should appear informing you that the PICSrules import was successful. Click "OK" on this dialogue box. Click "OK" to close the remaining (Content Advisor) dialogue box. If you have not previously established a password the system will now prompt you to create a password. To use the Content Advisor you are going to need to create a password so you might as well do it now.

Once you have completed the import process you will need to enable Content Advisor by clicking on the Enable button in the Content tab of the Internet Options dialogue box. If you have established a password you will need to enter it. A dialogue box will appear. Click "OK". If you have not established a password you will now need to do so. In order to activate Content Advisor you must input a password. Please note: in order to ensure that the Content Advisor is active you may need to close all instances of your browser and reopen them before testing.

Now that you have enabled the Content Advisor you may need to change some of the Content Advisor settings. For instance, under the General tab you will want to make sure that the "Users can see sites that have no rating" checkbox is checked. Otherwise, most sites will be blocked. You may also want to change the settings under the Ratings tab. These settings are accessible by clicking on the Settings button next to the Enable/Disable button.

Once the Content Advisor has been activated test it by attempting to go to,,,, and You should be blocked from going to those sites. If not, check the Content Advisor to make sure that it is enabled (the "Disable" button should be displayed) and close all instances of your browser and reopen it.

Content Advisor can be disabled by opening Internet Explorer and selecting "Tools" from the menu and then "Internet Options" from the sub-menu. The "Internet Options" dialogue box will appear. Select the "Content" tab. At the top, under "Content Advisor", click "Disable". Enter your password at the prompt. The "Enable" button should now appear under "Content Advisor" indicating that it has been disabled.

You can also remove the test database from your browser by selecting "Tools" from the menu and then "Internet Options" from the sub-menu. The "Internet Options" dialogue box will appear. Select the "Content" tab. At the top, under "Content Advisor", click "Settings". Enter your password at the prompt. The "Content Advisor" dialogue box should now appear. Select the "Advanced" tab. At the bottom, in the PICS Rules section, you should see the file path to pornblocker_demo.prf. Click on the file name then click on the "Remove" button to the right. The file path should disappear. Click on the "OK" button and then the next "OK" button.

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