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SSS IQPlayBest Educational Game to teach children IQ. Improves IQ, Concentration, Brain power, Imagination.
Best Educational Game to teach children IQ. Improves IQ, Concentration, Brain power, Imagination. First of its kind in the world. Generates and hides words or a combination of alphabets, numbers and you have to identify that secret digits in 10 steps. While 5 digits can be played by kids, elders can play upto 18 digits. In first step, you type some letters or numbers on your keyboard. After that, Correct digits will be displayed in Green color, Wrong position of digits in red color, and Unnecessary digits in grey color. By guessing and observing your earlier steps you will finish the correct answer and get all digits in green color in 10 steps. Different options from basic level to extreme level are included in this game. If you want to test your Brain, this is the Best Brain Teasing Game. Use move left or move right options where correct digits in your answer moves left or right by one digit in each step. Its a tough job here for your brain ang demands a powerful concentration. Practice session is also available in this game. By pressing Esc key Correct answer is displayed at bottom of the screen. Now type something on keyboard and observe them. Observe their colors and how they change in each of your steps. Imagine the right answer in your next step. Check with the answer that is displayed at bottom and observe why and how colors are displayed. Key Features:
Best Educational Game to teach children IQ. Improves IQ, Concentration, Brain power, Imagination. First of its kind in the world. Generates and hides words or a combination of alphabets, numbers and you have to identify that secret digits in 10 steps. User Comments: [ Write a comment for this software ] No user comments at present! Related Programs:
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