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AceReader Pro 4.5 - User Guide and FAQScreenshots - More DetailsAbout AceReader Pro Introduction and Overview: AceReader Pro will help you assess and improve your reading skills. In today's fast-paced information age, it is more important than ever to be a proficient reader. Students at all levels (grades 1-12 plus adults) will benefit from using this program. AceReader Pro does not teach you how to read, but instead it allows you to unlock your full reading potential, both on and off the computer. Determine your Reading Speed (Reading Assessment Activities): You assess your current reading level through the use of Timed Comprehension Tests. The Comprehension Tests that come with the program are broken out for grade levels 1-12 plus adult. You can take Self-Paced Comprehension Tests to determine your Base Reading Speed. You can also take Forced Speed/Mode Comprehension Tests to determine how well you comprehend material when being forced to read at certain speeds and modes. The program logs and graphs the test results (comprehension scores, reading speed, etc.) for accountability. Increase your Reading Speed (Reading Improvement Activities): The Drills and Games use Tachistoscope technology to improve your reading skills (both speed and comprehension). Drills are based on fundamental and sound pacing principles. The Drills will pace your eye movement relative to your Personal Base Reading Speed (determined by taking Self-Paced Reading Comprehension Tests). As you improve, the Drills will automatically become more challenging. The reading material for each Drill that comes with the program is broken out for grade levels 1-12 plus adult. Playing the Games will also improve your reading skills and allow you to have fun at the same time. The Games will flash text and challenge you on your ability to recall, recognize and comprehend the presented text at various speeds. All the Games have game levels and option settings that allow you to keep yourself challenged as you improve. In addition to the Drills and Games, you can also use the Online Reader & Expert Mode to train in manual mode. Manual mode allows you to train with full control of your training sessions. You can train with your own text (i.e. from web page, word processing documents, e-books...) and with your own option settings (i.e. display mode, speed...). The reading improvement activities are designed to address the problems listed in the "Problems AceReader Pro Solves" section below. Using the Online Reader & Expert Mode: The Online Reader is one of the most powerful features of AceReader Pro. This mode allows full access to all the program's features and options. Enter this mode if you want to (1) use AceReader Pro as a tool to help you read more efficiently while online; (2) train in manual mode; or (3) perform administration functions. Problems AceReader Pro Solves: AceReader helps you become a more proficient reader by helping you:
AceReader utilizes two technologies: (1) RAPID SERIAL VISUAL PRESENTATION (RSVP), and (2) TACHISTOSCOPIC SCROLL PRESENTATION (TSP). When AceReader is in RSVP mode, text is displayed in the center of the text area. RSVP can help you to read faster than normal because your eyes do not need to move. In RSVP mode, the words come to your eyes instead of your eyes going to the words. When AceReader is in TSP mode, text is displayed in a manner that forces your eyes to move just like they do in normal reading. TSP can train you to read in a normal fashion and at higher speeds. Both modes can help you learn to take in multiple words at a time. AceReader Pro can handle text in European languages as well as English since it supports the international ASCII character set. AceReader Pro also utilizes additional, patented technologies that have been incorporated into the main screen options and controls. Primary Ways to Use AceReader Pro:
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