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Spelling Made SimpleA spelling software program that implements a simple but proven method of learning spelling words.
Spelling Made Simple is a spelling software program that implements a simple but proven method of learning spelling words. The spelling software application is designed so that students can run through their spelling list quickly and easily or a business professional can review all of the challenging words in a proposal. When people get to a certain age they don't want spelling software that is fluffy and colorful. Students nearing 5th grade usually want to do grownup things. Therefore a childish spelling program to them is not appealing. This spelling software program is also important to adults as well. Many business people want to ensure they can spell the words in a proposal before giving a presentation where they might need to write a challenging word. If they misspell a word during a meeting it could cost them respect, credibility and money. Key Features:
Spelling Made Simple is a spelling software program that helps people learn how to spell words. Lists can be made by typing them in, dragging and dropping text, or downloading lists from our site. The user can see, and hear the word (Based on the user settings) and then type the answer. If the answer is wrong it will go back into the queue and be retried later. Statistics are kept to see improvement. User Comments: [ Write a comment for this software ] No user comments at present! Related Programs:
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