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Dr.Preventor (Data Recovery Preventor) 5.9Data Recovery Protection program makes your deleted files unrecoverable, it can rewrite or erase their the content of deleted files.
Dr. Preventor protects your privacy by making the files you thought you threw away unrecoverable. Simple but full of options, the Doctor eradicates the deleted data at the maximum possible speed without damaging the files you still need. You can even leave a personal message to hackers, from This computer donated by... to Stay away from my stuff! If you sell, recycle or give away an old computer, or if your laptop or memory stick is stolen, hackers and identity thieves can recover the files you threw away in the Recycle Bin, because they are not necessarily erased. When a computer saves a file it writes the data on a disc (or memory stick) and makes a note of the files location. When you put the file in the Recycle Bin and empty it, the computer erases its note of the files location, but the actual data is left intact on the disc until some other file is eventually written over it. Hackers can easily find and read these files using standard data recovery software. The Dr. Preventor Data Recovery Protection program makes your deleted files unrecoverable by systematically writing meaningless numbers everywhere except on the current files. Regular users can get started in two clicks, while the paranoid can choose how many times to overwrite and whether to use zeros, random numbers, or a personal message. Key Features:
Dr.Preventor ensures that your deleted files are unrecoverable by rewriting and erasing their content (using different algorithms and standards). With Dr. Preventor it is possible to erase file content with almost any known algorithm or even create your own algorithm, using very flexible configurator. User Comments: [ Write a comment for this software ] No user comments at present! Related Programs:
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