DriveEraser 1.10 - User Guide and FAQ
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Frequently Asked Questions - DriveEraser
- Who needs to use DriveEraser?
Government Organizations
Government organizations can use DriveEraser to ensure that the data on computers cannot be accessed when computers are retired, recycled, destroyed, donated to charity or sold.
Business organizations use DriveEraser to ensure that the data on computers cannot be accessed when computers are returned after a lease, donated to charity or sold.
Financial Organizations
Banks and insurance institutions use DriveEraser to protect customers' confidential records from programs that recover data.
Law Firms
DriveEraser can remove client-sensitive information from law firm computers at the conclusion of a case and before the machine goes to a new or unprotected environment.
Computer Sellers
Computer seller to ensure that sensitive, private or personal files are completely removed after they receive the computer from a customer can use DriveEraser.
Home or Home office users
Businesses and individuals to ensure that sensitive, private or personal files are completely removed before the computer is sold or taken to a repair shop can use DriveEraser.
Interfaces: Do you have your devices connected to your internal, PCMCIA, USB, FireWire (1394), parallel, SCSI or any interface which windows can support.
- Before Contacting Technical Support?
Before contacting CompuApps, please try to resolve problems you encounter by using the online Help, the user guide, the README file, and CompuApps corporate web site.
Your problem may be resolved by applying the most recent patch or upgrade of the software. Go to
www.CompuApps.com to download the latest software.
Your product serial number is required to obtain technical support.
If you received a demo or trial version of the product, you are not entitled to complimentary technical support.
- Can we recover the deleted Files?
When Files are deleted from a disk on your computer through the Operating System, the Contents of the deleted Files continue to be stored on the disk and can be easily restored using Data Recovery Utilities. Accurate answer for this question is YES, It is possible to recover the deleted Files. So there is no security to prevent the sensitive and confidential data.
- What happens when we normally delete the Files?
When Files are deleted from a disk on your computer through the Operating System, the Operating System does not erase the content of these files from the selected disk. It only deletes the logical references to these files on the Hard Drive.
- Can we recover the deleted Files?
When Files are deleted from a disk on your computer through the Operating System, the Contents of the deleted Files continue to be stored on the disk and can be easily restored using Data Recovery Utilities. Accurate answer for this question is YES, It is possible to recover the deleted Files. So there is no security to prevent the sensitive and confidential data.
- What happens when we erase the Files using CompuApps DriveEraser?
When Files are erased from a disk using CompuApps DriveEraser, the Contents of the erased Files will be destroyed forever. It erases the logical references and contents of the Files permanently. Using CompuApps DriveEraser, the user can set the own standards for erasing the selected Hard Disk or Partition or File/Folder.
- Can we recover the erased Files?
NO, we can't recover the erased Files (erased using CompuApps DriveEraser) using any other Data Recovery Utilities. CompuApps DriverEraser gives a simple and effective solution for secure removal of data. It provides the better solution for secure data management.
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