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5star Game Copy - User Guide and FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions - 5star Game Copy

  1. What is the latest version of Game Jack
    The latest version is always available on

  2. There are new copyright laws worldwide, is GameJack an illegal product?
    Since 2003 it is illegal in Germany to break copy protections of Video-DVDs and Audio-CDs. But it is still allowed to copy protected software and game products. So GameJack is 100% legal. To be sure, check your local copyright laws.

  3. If I use in GameJack the function to search for updates, does the software act as spyware
    No, GameJack is no spyware. It only checks the exact number of the installed version and compares this with the latest released version.

  4. I have downloaded GameJack 5, but my key of GameJack 4 is not working anymore.
    The keys are always working only for one special version. If you have bought version 4, you will received free updates for all versions within version 4...

  5. What is the best way to copy a game with GameJack?
    The easiest way is to use the build in copy protection scanner and start the game with the unique "Game Starter" function. This method will have the highest success rate...

  6. My demo version is outdated. I have re-installed the software but can't use the software anymore.
    The demo version is limited to 14 days. If you like to use the software after this time period, please buy GameJack...

  7. I am using XP and after the installation of SP2 my computer is rebooting while any start...
    This is a known bug with the SP2 of XP: Please deinstall GameJack before you install XP SP2! If you install GameJack on a system using XP SP2, there will be no problems. But don't update to SP2 if you have GameJack installed...

  8. I like to use the virtual drives I have already installed with GameJack. Is this possible?
    Yes, starting with version 5, GameJack can use also 3rd party virtual drives. The software automatically detects if compatible virtual drives are installed. Please take a look at the "Settings" of GameJack 5.

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