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Auto Macro Recorder 4.6 - User Guide and FAQScreenshots - More DetailsHow to judge whether webpage has been loaded, by using Auto Macro Recorder? The simple solution is: Wait long time enough to ensure that the webpage loads. e.g.: If normally it needs need 10 seconds to load the page, when recording you can wait 60 seconds. Then when you replay the script, it'll wait 60 seconds and it's enough. The second solution is "use WAITFORCOLOR command", you need to edit the script manually. See: >//0*0*0 is the waiting color: RGB(0,0,0) WAITFORCOLOR(0*0*0,100000,run(notepad),open(c:\read.txt)) ---- Your mouse point to a pixel, if this color = the waiting color within 100 seconds, then run(notepad) else open c:\read.txt. To use this, you should move your mouse to point to a special color on the webpage, use a special script to save the color into text file using these command: SaveColor(VARSTR) ----Your mouse point to a pixel, save its color to a special VARSTR (AutoRecorder's system use VARSTR ) WriteLine(c:\abcd.txt,VARSTR) --- Write a log into c:\abcd.txt, you can input your own strings or use VARSTR Or use other tools(e.g.: DreamWeaver) to get the RGB color value. Then edit the part of replay script manually to judge if your mouse point to a correct color (that means the webpage has been loaded), then continue to replay. There is an example -- wait4blackcolor.scp in installation folder of Auto Macro Recorder. You can run it to see the result. Run that script, after 1 second, if you point to a black color, it'll launch notepad, if you don't point to a black color within 5 seconds, it'll launch Explorer. WAITFORCOLOR(0*0*0,5000,run(notepad),run(explorer)) You can change it to WAITFORCOLOR(0*0*0,50000,doscp(script1.scp),doscp(script2.scp)) to run other script files. (If point to black color, run script1.scp, otherwise run script2.scp) or WAITFORCOLOR(0*0*0,50000,delay(100),exit()) (If point to black color, run delay 0.1 second and continue to run the script, otherwise exit AutoMacroRecorder) How to shut down my computer after I quit my TV card's application -- WinDVR? Run WinDVR to watch TV first. Run Auto Macro Recorder, press F10 to record, set focus to WinDVR, press F10 again to save current active window's title. Use notepad to open the scp file, find that WinDVR's title is "InterVideo WinDVR". In option, Set Repeat Timer = 30 seconds, set repeat times = 999999. Make a tv.scp file; the content is: IF_WINDOW_EXIST ("InterVideo WinDVR",delay(100), open(shutdown.scp)) every time after I start WinDVR, I'll run tv.scp. Now Auto Macro Recorder checks if WinDVR's windows exists; if can't find it, Auto Macro Recorder will shutdown my computer automatically. Frequently Asked Questions - Auto Macro Recorder
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