System Maid 2.1 - User Guide and FAQ
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What catogries are cleaned?
Category description:
- ActiveX and Com: ActiveX and Com objects included in libraries that are no longer exist on your computer.
- Application paths: Application paths point to files or directories that no longer exist on your computer.
- File extensions: File extensions refer to programs that no longer exist on your computer.
- Histroy files: Histroy files files previously opened or saved that no longer exist on your computer.
- Software: Software invalid programs listed under Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel that do not have an uninstall program.
- Help files: Help files refference application''s help files that are no longer available on your computer.
- Font files: Font files refference fonts that are no longer available (deleted, incomplete uninstalled, etc.) on your computer.
- Multimedia files: Multimedia files refference sound or video files that no longer exist on your computer.
- Shared files: Shared files reffer to files that were used by multiple applications and no longer exist on your system.
- Startup programs:Startup programs invalid programs that are scheduled to be loaded at startup and no longer exist on your computer.
- Start menu: Start menu shortcuts in the Start menu pointing to files/folders that no longer exist on your computer.
- Shortcuts: Shortcuts on your computer that point to missing targets (invalid files/folders, uninstalled or deleted programs,etc).
- Deep scan: Deep scan, registry scan for errror residing in registry's core.
System Services: Scan for errors residing in system services folders/paths.
How to backup registry?
You can backup registry in two ways:
1. Open System Maid og to backup option and click Registry Bacukp.
2. You can open Regedit.exe(the build in registry editor),To do so click the start button choose run from the menu.
Type regedit in the box that appeared and click run.
A new window will open and now you can backup the registry.
l) Select the hive you would like backed up.
ll) Right click on the selected hive(branch).
lll)Choose export from the menu and select a location you would like the information to be saved.
If you want to back up more than one hive repeat the above process.
To backup only one key once you have the regedit open navigate to the key you would like saved and follow the above described process.
Frequently Asked Questions - System Maid
- What is the Registry?
Windows Registry is a database used to store important settings and options for Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000 and XP. Windows operating systems cannot operate without it! The Registry contains information and settings about all hardware, software, users, and preferences of your computer. Whenever a user makes changes to Control Panel settings, file associations, system policies, or installed software, the changes are reflected and stored in the Registry. Running an application on your computer can make several changes to your Registry.
- How Are errors generated?
Over time invalid entries are accumulated in registry as a consequence of:
- Incomplete uninstalled software.
- Deletion of file or links that refers to files/folders
- Erroneous hardware drivers.
- Power failure etc.
Having invalid entries in registry can slow down your computer, cause it to generate error messages, prevent programs from functioning properly or result in your system becoming unstable and crashing
- Why is important to have registry backups?
Registry is the storage for all configuration data, and that of most installed programs. All the information the operating system needs to handle data is stored here The registry stores the variables needed to 'fill in the blanks.' What font should text be in? What size? How many icons on the desktop? What users should be allowed to login? What's the default web browser? What programs should start when Windows boots? etc.
Having a copy of all this information backed up ensures that you have a copy to restore from in case something goes wrong or your computer starts "acting up".
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