Dvd95Copy Lite 3.8 - User Guide and FAQ
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Frequently Asked Questions - Dvd95Copy Lite
- I get the error 'Error reading sectors...'
The DVD you're trying to copy is either dirty or scratched, or your drive simply refuses to read it.
Try cleaning the disk, or try it in a different drive or burner.
- When I burn a DVD I get 'Medium Error detected'
In this case either the media you are using are bad/cheap, or your dvd burner is too old and becomes having trouble burning dvds.
Try different media first and if this doesn't help then you will need to get a new dvd burner.
You can also try to use the Nero-Burnengine in Dvd95Copy if you have Nero installed. Some users have reported succees using the Nero Burn engine.
- Why is the movie sometimes skipping and pixelated?
The skipping and heavy pixelation happens mostly using cheap media, and you will notice it at the end of the movie.
If you still want to use the cheap media because your spindle has still 49 pieces left, then you can decrease the output disc size in Dvd95Copy. The default value is 4474 MB. You can try decrease it to 4174 MB. This will prevent from burning the media on the bad sectors at the end.
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