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BurnCDCC Publisher
a remarkably small utility, that allows you to burn an ISO file to a CD/DVD disc
Publisher: TeraByte, Inc
Website: http://www.terabyteunlimited.com
About Publisher: TeraByte, Inc
TeraByte, Inc develops: BurnCDCC : burn an ISO file to a CD/DVD/BD disc.
; CopyWipe : Free Drive Copy and Wiping Software
All Products from TeraByte, Inc
BurnCDCC is used to burn an ISO file to a CD/DVD/BD disc. This usefull application is free, you can use it to convert your img file to ISO, can burn img to CD/DVD. It is a remarkably small utility, that allows you to burn an ISO file to a CD or DVD
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CopyWipe is a freeware utility for copying and securely overwriting (wiping/erasing) entire hard drives. CopyWipe can ease and expedite the transition to a new hard drive, by copying the entire contents of one drive to another.
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