Detailed Description of GenDesc 0.1.3367.30679
GenDesc helps to create more easier descriptions about media. GenDesc can import description data from Wikipedia ant some other places and then can parse it by using internal template engine ( c# style). Now GenDesc supports only TV or/and Anime series.
GenDesc Requirements
To run this app, make sure Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or newer is installed. Also if you want that all functions could be available, You will need to have ffmpeg and internet access.
To build, I suggest You - SharpDevelop.
How can GenDesc help?
There is many ways to help make GenDesc better. You can:
* Use GenDesc when You are creating your own descriptions
* Create your own template and post it to as patch
* Find bug and report it to issue tracker
* Make some improvements and post them to as patch or request read-write svn access
* Tell friends about GenDesc
* Write reviews elsewhere (if you do, I'll be happy if You let me know)
* Publish it on your website or journal CD/DVD (if you do, I'll be happy if You let me know)
* Make fork for your own needs (If you do, I'll be happy if You let me know)
* Write documentation
GenDesc is designed for: Win98,WinXP,Win2000
GenDesc has the following requirements :
.NET Framework 2.0 or higher, ffmpeg,
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