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iMovie HD for Mac Publisher
iMovie HD for Mac can throw together a few video clips, fine-tune every edit
Publisher: Apple Inc
Website: http://www.apple.com
About Publisher: Apple Inc
Apple Inc develops: iOS for iPhone 3GS : The most advanced mobile operating system.
; Idea Organizer : Idea Organizer Grabs Text, Voice and Visuals
; iMovie HD for Mac : Throw together a few video clips, fine-tune
; Apple OnyX for Mac : verify Startup Disk&structure its System file
; Apple iPhoto : a software to make managing your photos .
All Products from Apple Inc
iTunes for Mac
iTunes is a free application for Mac and PC. It plays all your digital music and video.It syncs content to your iPod, iPhone, and Apple TV. And it's a store where you can find more to entertain you, any time of the day.
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