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BeaTunes Publisher
Smart software for library management, music analysis and playlist creation
Publisher: tagtraum industries incorporated.
Website: http://www.beatunes.com/
About Publisher: tagtraum industries incorporated.
tagtraum industries incorporated. develops: BeaTunes : beaTunes - build better playlists.
; BeaTunes for Mac : beaTunes - build better playlists.
All Products from tagtraum industries incorporated.
BeaTunes for Mac
BeaTunes for Mac supports you, the gardener, to fix things up again, so that everything is neatly organized. No more Metallica labeled as pop, no more Mozart categorized as Top 50. And R.E.M. always spelled R.E.M., never REM, nor r.e.m.
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A music collection is like a garden. BeaTunes grows and we want it to grow. But if we leave it unattended for too long, things go haywire: The same artist's name is spelled in different ways and his pop ballads are suddenly labeled as classic rock.
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