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MagicScore Classic Publisher
Magnificent, powerful and convenient music notation editor
Publisher: MagicScore Music Software
Website: http://www.musicaleditor.com
About Publisher: MagicScore Music Software
MagicScore Music Software develops: MagicScore School 6 : Music writing software for students & schools
; MagicScore Classic : Magnificent music notation software
; MagicScore Maestro : Music notation software
; MagicScore School 5 : Music notation software for students & school
; MagicScore School : Music notation software for students & school
All Products from MagicScore Music Software
MagicScore onLine
MagicScore onLine is an internet software which can display, print and playback music scores from the internet. MagicScore onLine is a perfect solution for music sites, on-line and off-line music stores, music team sites, composers, performers etc.
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MagicScore Classic
MagicScore Classic music composition software. Advantages of MagicScore: The convenient interface for a set of partitas, some variants of data input by means of the virtual keyboard, external MIDI devices, and as big set of musical symbols.
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MagicScore Maestro
MagicScore Maestro is a music notation software application with extended editing capabilities and internal spell-checker. It features a variety of input methods - virtual keyboard, external MIDI devices,
or an extended set of musical symbols.
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MagicScore MIDI to WAV
MagicScore MIDI to WAV is easy to use MIDI to WAV and MusicXML to WAV converter with compresion option and userfriendly interface.
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MagicScore School
MagicScore School 5 is specialized notation software for music aficionados, students, teachers, schools and colleges. The program offers people interested in music a variety of notation options – input, editing, printing, correctness check etc.
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MagicScore Maestro 5 + WEB Publishing
MagicScore Maestro 5 + WEB Publishing - professional music notation software with ability to publish "live" sheet music in Internet, offering the most advanced capabilities for working with music.
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Scan music with our highly acclaimed music scanning program SharpEye. You can use SharpEye to scan and convert printed sheet music into a music notation file or a MIDI file which can then be imported into a music notation program or MIDI sequencer.
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