AB Screen Locker
A small utility that allows you to lock your screen. Any key combinations (like CTRL+ALT+DEL, ALT+TAB or CTRL+ESC) are disabled. If the system is restarted, this software will automatically load with Windows and your PC will be locked.
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AB Complete Ping
It allows you to ping one or more IP addresses, to scan a network for shared resources and to scan a computer for open ports. The software can notify you by e-mail if the IP address is or is not responding. It can play an wave file on notifying.
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AB System Spy
It allows you to record any activity on your computer. It will record all the keys pressed, pastes from clipboard, all the running processes. A scheduler, a screen capturer are included.
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AB HTML Compressor
It allows you to reduce the size of the HTML (HTM) files. You can compress one or more HTML files or an entire directory with just one mouse click. It can reduce the file size in several kilobytes.
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hardware sensors monitor
Ultimate CPU cooler and Computer's health monitor!
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AB Picture Converter
It allows you to read and view image files in 63 formats and convert them to 27 formats. You can apply over 15 effects, adjust colors, contrast, brightness, etc. It supports scanning and printing. A screen capture engine is also included.
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AB MP3 Tag Editor
AB MP3 Tag Editor is a small and fast application which allows you to read and modify the MP3's tag with ease. You can read, set or remove the tag with only one click. The application use ID3 tag encryption and supports 148 genres.
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AB Safe Deletion
A small utility that allows you to delete securily any file with sensitive data. Once the file is deleted, he cannot be recover with any tool. You can erase one or more files or a directory with all the subdirectories and files contained.
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AB Password Generator
Generates one password or a list up to 999999 passwords with length between 1 and 999 characters. The list will be saved in *.txt file at your choice. The password(s) can contain letters and/or numbers and/or symbols and/or your specific text.
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AB File Encryptor
A small utility that allows you to encrypt securily any file with sensitive data. Once the file is encrypted, he cannot be decrypted with any other tool. You can encrypt one or more files or a directory with all the files contained.
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AB MP3 Encoder
Fast application which will encode your WAV files into MP3 files. You can make a waiting list up to 100 different WAV files. It is small (exe file has just 28 Kb) and it has a really nice, friendly GUI.
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