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Advanced Text to Speech Publisher
ATTS is a speech utility that can read any text back to you.
Publisher: Zerosoft 2000
Website: http://www.RoseCitySoftware.com/ATTS/
About Publisher: Zerosoft 2000
Zerosoft 2000 develops: Advanced Text to Speech : ATTS is a utility that can read any text. ...
All Products from Zerosoft 2000
Advanced Text to Speech
Advanced Text to Speech is a Text To Speech utility that reads aloud any text by simply selecting the text and pressing Ctrl+C. ATTS can convert text into an audio file (MP3 or WAV) for you to listen to later. ATTS also has a handy Alarm feature.
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text twist ,
word to speech converter ,
text files ,
sayvoice text to speech ,
hex to text ,
babylon text to speech engine ,
tex to speech reader ,
type to speech ,
wav to text ,
speech-to-text software