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ChurchBells Publisher
BellTower carillon chimes system for $140 (Home Lic $35) Great outreach ministry
Publisher: InspiredCode
Website: http://InspiredCode.net
About Publisher: InspiredCode
InspiredCode develops: Metris : Metris is an accessible Musical Tetris game.
; Church Bells Carillon Gift Basket : Church Bells carillon desktop Chimes and prog
; SayPad : Talking text editor reads to you makes Audio.
; Home Group Overhead : Sing along with God! Displays Lyrics as sung.
; ChurchBells : Bell Tower carillon chimes system for $140.
All Products from InspiredCode
Bell Tower Chimes System for $140. (Home Lic $35) Great outreach ministry! Beautiful Harmonious Bells. User friendly scheduler. Set belltower often or once all year, add music, times, seasons, events. Church bells with 4 part harmony in tune!
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Music Tools
BumpUp & BumpDown let you hear and edit the super high frequency content of your music. Desnap eliminates loud clicks from digital music without losing any brilliance. This is not a filter. It locates snap events and fixes them.
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SayPad, the freeware talking text editor can read you a good book or help you write one, using SAPI 5.1 Text To Speech (included). It can convert Text to Audio for a whole book in one run, splitting off chapters into well named Audio files.
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Home Group Overhead
Sing along with God! Overhead Slide Projection Program Displays Lyrics really huge on the screen in real time as Worship Music is Sung. You don't need a projector and you don't need any expensive software to lead the words of worship.
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Metris is an accessible Musical Tetris game. Beating this game you are able to quickly recognize scales, modes and chords. No jargo, just music. Anyone can do it... but how well? Do you have what it takes to become a Metris Master?
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Church Bells Carillon Gift Basket
Church Bells chimes desktop system sounds suite and InspiredCode ChurchBells Carillon bell tower program. The belltower desktop sounds dont expire, and the ChurchBells program works for free every December, all month, so Merry Christmas!
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Real Time Screen Reading talking mouse works with existing reader to provide GUI. Run your hands over the screen and get the big picture. Drive your mouse full speed across the screen, knowing in real time where you are and what you're flying over.
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