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MP3 Splitter Joiner Pro Publisher
Split, cut MP3 and join, merge MP3 quickly and easily.
Publisher: Hoo Technologies
Website: http://www.hootech.com
About Publisher: Hoo Technologies
Hoo Technologies develops: MP3 Splitter Joiner Pro : Split, cut MP3 and join, merge MP3.
; MP3 to SWF Converter : Convert MP3 to SWF & WAV to SWF.
; AIFF MP3 Converter : Convert AIFF AIF AIFC to MP3 and WAV format.
; Hoo WinTail : A real-time log monitor & viewer.
; Net Meter : Monitor & display your bandwidth usage.
All Products from Hoo Technologies
MP3 Splitter Joiner Pro
MP3 Splitter Joiner Pro can split, cut, trim a large MP3 file into multiple smaller pieces, and join, merge multiple MP3s into a single file. You can split a MP3 file by file size, pieces count, time or custom selections. It supports batch split.
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Net Meter
Net Meter is a powerful and easy-to-use bandwidth meter. It monitors traffic of all network connections and displays real-time graphical and numerical data transfer rates. Net Meter can display detail of multiple network connections at the same time.
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AIFF MP3 Converter
AIFF MP3 Converter converts AIFF AIF AIFC file to MP3 and WAV format. The software can encode MP3 and WAV with different encoding parameters. It also supports ID3 tag, changing sound volume and batch conversion.
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MP3 to SWF Converter
MP3 to SWF Converter converts MP3 or WAV file to SWF file (Macromedia Flash Movie) quickly. It can also record your voice and convert to SWF. It creates streaming SWF files that play instantly, no waiting.
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Hoo WinTail
Hoo WinTail is a real-time log monitor & viewer for Windows like the UNIX tail -f utility. It can capture and display OutputDebugString (Windows Debug API) and TRACE (MS Visual C++ Debug Macro) output as well.
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HooTech WAV MP3 Converter
WAV MP3 Converter converts WAV to MP3 and MP3 to WAV. It can also resample WAV and MP3 file. WAV MP3 Converter can encode MP3 or WAV with different encoding parameters (like sample frequency, bit rate and channels). It supports batch conversion.
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SWF to MP3 Converter
SWF to MP3 Converter is a SWF audio converter. It can convert SWF (Macromedia Flash Movie File) to MP3 and WAV quickly and easily. And it supports all versions of SWF files.
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