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MP3DJ Publisher
Dj Software to playback mp3 files with transitions in between songs
Publisher: Sysworks.com.ar
Website: http://www.sysworks.com.ar
About Publisher: Sysworks.com.ar
Sysworks.com.ar develops: MP3DJ : Music Mixing, Dj Software
; MP3DJ Broadcast : MP3DJ Broadcast - Radio Automation Software
; MP3DJ PRO : Multi Sound Card music mixing Dj Software PRO
; Power-Stats : Visitor tracking, Web statistics software
All Products from Sysworks.com.ar
It will play songs and mix them together in the most simple way. only four settings are needed: Transition Type, Transition Time, Cut First and Cut Last seconds of each mixed song. using more than one sound card in the same computer
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Web statistics software download source code ASP mySQL, Real Time traffic analysis tool and visitor behavior. web statistics and site traffic measures are displayed in comprehensive graphs. Multiple user policy and unlimited domains to track.
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MP3DJ Broadcast
Play music without interruptions and Insert playlists with commercials at defined day times, options are: after a defined period of time for example 10 seconds, or at the end of the current playing song.
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MP3DJ is a Dj Software tool that allows you to playback mp3 files with transitions in between songs very easy to use and stable interface
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