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VVV Publisher
VVV catalogs the content of removable volumes like CD and DVD disks.
Publisher: Fulvio Senore
Website: http://vvvapp.sourceforge.net/
About Publisher: Fulvio Senore
Fulvio Senore develops: VVV for Linux 64-bit : VVV is an Virtual Volumes View application.
; VVV for Linux 32-bit : VVV is an Virtual Volumes View application.
; VVV : VVV is an Virtual Volumes View application.
; VVV for Mac : VVV is an Virtual Volumes View application.
All Products from Fulvio Senore
VVV for Linux 64-bit
VVV for Linux 64-bit is an application that catalogs the content of removable volumes like CD and DVD disks for off-line searching. Folders and files can also be arranged in a single, virtual file system.
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VVV is an application that catalogs the content of removable volumes like CD and DVD disks for off-line searching. Folders and files can also be arranged in a single, virtual file system.
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VVV for Mac
VVV for Mac is an application that catalogs the content of removable volumes like CD and DVD disks for off-line searching on Mac OS X. Folders and files can also be arranged in a single, virtual file system.
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VVV for Linux 32-bit
VVV for Linux 32-bit is an application that catalogs the content of removable volumes like CD and DVD disks for off-line searching. Folders and files can also be arranged in a single, virtual file system.
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