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Flash Movie Player Publisher
Freeware stand-alone player for Flash animations with enhanced features
Publisher: Eolsoft
Website: http://www.eolsoft.com
About Publisher: Eolsoft
Eolsoft develops: Registry Jumper : Regedit companion for registry navigation
; Flash Movie Player : Freeware stand-alone Flash (swf) player
; Winmail Opener : Freeware Winmail.dat files decoder
All Products from Eolsoft
Registry Jumper
A small and simple utility that enables you to quickly jump to a specific registry path, without having to navigate there with RegEdit. Supports command-line launching and can handle custom protocol calls (regjump://) to launch RegEdit from Urls.
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Winmail Opener
Winmail Opener is a small and simple utility that allows you to view and extract contents of TNEF-encoded files (winmail.dat). Can decode and show RTF message text and all embedded attachments, has full drag-and-drop support and command-line mode.
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Flash Movie Player
Freeware stand-alone Flash (swf) animations player with enhanced features, such as animation rewinding, advanced full screen mode, browser cache integration, exe projectors support and playlists.
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