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DVD-Ranger Publisher
The fastest and easiest DVD convert and copy solution. Unbeatable video quality.
Publisher: Pixbyte Development SL
Website: http://www.dvd-ranger.com
About Publisher: Pixbyte Development SL
Pixbyte Development SL develops: Virtual Burner : a tools for developers to create applications
; ISOBuddy : Convert various CD/DVD image formats to ISO
; DVD-Ranger : The most advanced DVD copy software.
; FoxBurner SDK : a CD/DVD/BD Recording Framework
; DVD Transcoder : a high quality and fast MPEG transcoder
All Products from Pixbyte Development SL
CloneBuddy is freeware DVD clone software of our top DVD Ranger. CloneBuddy can help users copy DVDs on the hard disk, as a folder or as an ISO disk image. It is a great way to experience the top products created by Pixbyte with no charge.
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Start enjoying your favorite DVDs without making any quality compromises! With a rebuilt GUI and unparallel functionality, the new LinkScanner technology and a series of other novelties, DVD Ranger becomes once again a pioneer in the DVD copy world.
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Convert GI, NRG, CDI, MDF, IMG, B5I, B6I, DMG, PDI, BIN and CCD to ISO image, erase CD/DVD and burn ISO image files to CD/DVD. ISOBuddy with its powerful convertor places DVD-Ranger on the top of all DVD Copy Software.
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FoxBurner SDK
FoxBurner SDK is a complex but easy to use CD/DVD/BD Recording Framework. It hides the complexity of CD/DVD/BD burning, authoring and manipulating and lets you concentrate focus on your own application. It supports a wide range of project types.
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Virtual Burner
Virtual burner is a tool for developers who want to create large applications for minimizing expenses,network backup systems or network burning systems.It allows to capture data stream and burn it to a disk image or encode it to another file formats
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DVD Transcoder
The Pixbyte Transcoder SDK is a high quality and extremely fast MPEG transcoder for all major programming environments. It allows users to add reliable, advanced DVD burning capabilities to any custom application by a simple click.
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DVD Imager SDK
DVD Imager SDK is a completely redeveloped DVD Authoring Component. It creates all required files like IFO, BUP and VOB files. It can create direct-start DVDs and DVDs with a start and track menu. It is easy to handle redesigned engine.
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FoxBurner SDKe
FoxBurner SDKe is the final breakthrough in adding powerful CD/DVD recording features to consumer electronics devices. The unique CD/DVD Recording Framework with its high playback compatibility and full support of multiple CD/DVD formats.
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