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WinBin2Iso Publisher
a easy to use utility can converts BIN CD images to ISO format.
Publisher: Nenad Hrg
Website: http://www.softwareok.com
About Publisher: Nenad Hrg
Nenad Hrg develops: DesktopOK : Save and restore positions of desktop icons.
; 12-Ants : 12-Ants or more for your desktop.
; NewFileTime : Corrections and manipulation of timestamp.
; OnlyStopWatch : It is a watch to stop the time.
; WinBin2Iso : a tool converts BIN CD images to ISO format
All Products from Nenad Hrg
OneLoupe is required to view everything on the screen enlarged.Simple and easy to use, the small Magnifier is always ready when you need it to view all fine details, even the small print in the I-Net to decipher. Take OneLuope and stretch screen .
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DesktopOK is a basic, compact program that lets you save and restore the positions of your desktop icons. If you frequently end up with a desktop full of scrambled icons, this program could make your life just a little bit easier.
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NewFileTime is a small but effective tool that provides you easy access to corrections and manipulation of timestamp for any file and folder on your system.Several files and/or folders can be dispatched at the same time.
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12-Ants or more for your desktop. Itching is not excluded. Watching the little rascals and have fun.12-Ants does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop, and can be carried on a small usb-stick or other memory device.
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IsMyLcdOK is a small program but effective solution to easily check for dead/paralysed/stuck pixels on LCD monitors. IsMyLcdOK does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop, and can be carried on a small usb-stick .
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WinBin2Iso is a lightweight and extremely easy to use software utility that converts BIN CD images to ISO format. WinBin2Iso requires no installation and can be carried on a sm all usb-stick or other memory device.
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OnlyStopWatch is only a watch to stop the time. With milliseconds precision. Optimize your processes.Start the program. The first time that you use it the program it will present you with a license screen.
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