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Speak Aloud Publisher
Speak Aloud can convert text to wav, mp3, ogg, speak text aloud.
Publisher: Guangming Software
Website: http://www.guangmingsoft.net
About Publisher: Guangming Software
Guangming Software develops: Active Calculator Component : evaluate expression easily
; Active TTS Component : convert text to mp3, wma, ogg on the fly
; Speak Aloud : Convert text to wav, mp3, wma, ogg on the fly
; PDFToolkit Pro : Split, merge, encrypt and decrypt PDF easily.
; Active Audio Record Component : stream audio record activex component, ID3
All Products from Guangming Software
HTML Snapshot
HTML Snapshot ActiveX Component can do: Directly save the web page at a given URL into image in bmp, jpeg, tiff, gif or png format. i.e. html to image, html to jpg, html to image, html to tiff, html to gif convert html string, mht to images.
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Active Calculator Component
Support all common mathematical expressions Support arithmetic, logic and bitwise operations Report syntax error in expressions Support common control flow in programming languages like for, while, if etc. Return value is numeric or string
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Speak Aloud
Read text aloud with support for SAPI4 or SAPI5 compliant voices.
Convert text to wav, mp3, wma, ogg, vox, au and aiff format on the fly, no temporary files needed, save your disk.
Support batch conversion.
Support reading hightlight
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Html To Image
Directly save the webpage at a given URL into image in bmp, jpeg, tiff, gif or png format.
Create thumbnail images from large images.
Batch conversion is supported
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Active TTS Component
Directly convert text to wav, mp3, wma, ogg, vox, au and aiff format on the fly without temporary files created. Convert text to speech at high speed Support SAPI4 or SAPI5 compliant voices. A lot of examples are provided.
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