Detailed Description of Quick Frame Sequencer for Mac 1.0.1
Quick Frame Sequencer for Mac (QFS) makes crisp, sharp, QuickTime videos from your images and movies for Mac OS X users.
You can use Quick Frame Sequencer for Mac to :
*create web presentations
*create animation sequences
*create slideshows from still images
*mix still images and movies
Capabilities of Quick Frame Sequencer include:
*import images of different sizes and position them where we want
*always work with the original full-resolution images
*set background images and colors for the screencast
*set a foreground image
*reorder image sequences around
*set individual duration times for each slide image
*combine images and movies together
*transition into and out of an image (disolve or page curl to a color or to/from the next/previous image)
*add sound for a particular image
Quick Frame Sequencer for Mac is designed for: Mac OS X
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