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AVI Splitter Publisher
Easy-to-use tool to split AVI files.
Publisher: BRIZ Software
Website: http://www.brizsoft.com
About Publisher: BRIZ Software
BRIZ Software develops: VideoShotMaker : Video thumbnail component
; ASPThumb : ASP thumbnail component
; AutoSiteGallery : Web photo albums creator.
; Web Publisher : Automated FTP client for webmasters.
; AVI Splitter : AVI split tool.
All Products from BRIZ Software
AutoSiteGallery is a time-saving tool for creation of web photo albums. AutoSiteGallery can automatically create high-quality thumbnails, generate the HTML pages for thumbnails and full-size images, convert the images to JPEG, etc.
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SysRose Syslog Desktop
Syslog Desktop is a syslog collector designed as Windows desktop application. It allows you to review syslog messages on Windows PC.
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AVI Splitter
AVI Splitter is an easy-to-use tool to extract segments from AVI files. AVI Splitter allows you to select segments of an AVI file and save them to new AVI files.
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ASPThumb is an ASP component (ActiveX) that allows ASP application to create high-quality thumbnails. You can use this component for automated creation of image previews in your ASP applications.
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