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eMoviX Publisher
a micro Linux distro that makes a CD able to boot and play audio/video content
Publisher: Roberto De Leo
Website: http://movix.sourceforge.net/
About Publisher: Roberto De Leo
Roberto De Leo develops: eMoviX : plays movies automagically from a boot cd
; MoviX : a streaming media-client software
; MoviX2 : a Linux distro aimed at playing multimedia
All Products from Roberto De Leo
eMoviX is a tiny Linux CD distribution containing all the software to boot from a CD and play automatically every video file localized in the CD root. Supported formats are all formats supported by MPlayer such as DivX, XviD, AVI, MPEG, QuickTime...
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MoviX allows you to build up a noiseless streaming media-client box, with CD/VCD/DVD support, TV-card-support, radio-support, slideshow-support, internetradio-support, MPEG-decoder-support, controlled by IR-remote control, mouse or keyboard.
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MoviX2 is a small-sized (~50MB) Linux "live CD" distro containing all the software to boot from any media you like and start automagically X-window and within it the GUI version of MPlayer, simply the best multimedia player available on Linux.
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