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Reisekostenabrechnung Publisher
user-friendly and powerful travel expense accounting software
Publisher: Ruediger Werner
Website: http://www.wernerr.de/
About Publisher: Ruediger Werner
Ruediger Werner develops: Jaeger und Sammler/The Collectors Choice : user-friendly collection management program.
; Reisekostenabrechnung : user-friendly travel expense accounting
All Products from Ruediger Werner
Reisekostenabrechnung is an user-friendly and powerful program for all people who have to travel in their job and who are employed in Germany.It manages all your business trips, expenses, allowances for travels in Germany and abroad.
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Jaeger und Sammler/The Collectors Choice
This is an user-friendly program for managing your collection of coins, stamps or other collectibles. You can enter general information about the objects and import images.You can print overviews of the collected items including general information.
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