FaxMail for Windows
Send/Receive fax from Single computer; for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/2003/XP. You can try it for FREE. FaxMail is the easiest fax program to use that we offer.
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Send and Receive fax with single computer and modem or network with multiple modems. FaxAmatic will add a fax generating print driver to your system, giving you the ability to generate a fax from any document and send to any fax machine in the world.
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32bit Internet Fax
Send and Receive faxes from Single Computer and Modem or Network with Multiple Modems. Optionally Send fax. 32bit Internet Fax will add a fax generating print driver to your Printer system, giving you the ability to generate a fax from any document.
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Popup Ad Stopper
Popup Ad Stopper is a simple, easy to use popup blocker. It works with any web browser, not just one or a select few, like most popup blockers. It filters web page content as it is coming in from the Internet, before it reaches your web browser.
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32bit Service Monitor
Always know whether or not your web site or other network services are up or down with 32bit Service Monitor. It will check your site or other services as often as you want it to- alerting, logging, and if you want, it will send you up-down emails.
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32bit Email Broadcaster
32bit Email Broadcaster is a very powerful marketing tool for you and your business. 32bit Email Broadcaster is a program to email your own created messages, whether for business or personal use, to a list of email addresses.
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32bit Convert It
32bit Convert It will Convert any unit of measurement to another unit of measurement. Length, Area, Volume, Mass, Density, and Speed.
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32bit Fax
Send/Receive fax from Single computer or Network; for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/2003/XP is 32bit, and will work standalone or on a network. You can try it for FREE. If you have one fax modem and you want 1 - 1000 workstations to send/receive fax.
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Multi Clipboard
Copy any 1 of 1000s of pre-written text fields into the Windows Clipboard. When filling in forms, etc, it is nice to have all the information on a given subject at your disposal. With Multi Clipboard you can access to 1000s of fields.
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32bit FTP
32bit FTP lets you log onto millions of FTP sites all over the world. Once logged on these sites, you can browse their files. You can copy files from an FTP Site to your computer. You can copy files from your computer to an FTP Site.
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32bit Web Browser
32bit Web Browser is easy to use is very fast. This web browser makes browsing the web fun and profitable. It takes up little hard drive space and loads fast too. It has features not found in other web browsers, such as Smart Bookmarks.
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FaxMail Network for Windows
Send/Receive fax from Single computer or Network. FaxMail Network for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP/Win32s. is 32bit, and will work standalone or on a network. You can try it for FREE. If you have one fax modem and you want 1 - 1000 workstations.
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