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IndicesBuilder Publisher
IndicesBuilder allows you to design custom indices using your MetaStock files.
Publisher: Trading-Tools.com
Website: http://www.trading-tools.com
About Publisher: Trading-Tools.com
Trading-Tools.com develops: MetaLib : SDK for reading&writing MetaStock files.
; MLDownloader : Downloads intraday, EOD and historical quotes
; IndicesBuilder : Design custom indices using MetaStock files
; Convert2MetaStock : Converts every ASCII file to MetaStock format
All Products from Trading-Tools.com
This application creates data in the MetaStockTM format from an ASCII historical end-of-day data source file. The file can practically be in any format. You can define how your ASCII source is structured.
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The MetaLib SDK includes functions for reading, writing, editing, inserting, sorting and deleting MetaStockTM price data. It is perfect for software developers wanting to create powerful add-on modules for MetaStockTM users.
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MLDownloader downloads intraday, EOD and historical stock quotes, Options and Futures from various Internet sites. To bring your data up-to-date simply instruct MLDownloader to perform a data collection for an individual symbol.
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