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Mini Calculator Publisher
Simple calculator with all basic functions; uses little space in desktop.
Publisher: Jose Falcao
Website: http://www.webxpace.net
About Publisher: Jose Falcao
Jose Falcao develops: Runner : Run everything, from programs, to multimedia.
; Porta'Menu : Portable menu launcher - uses relative paths
; ToDo Reminder : Make lists of all tasks you have to remember.
; Mini Calculator : Simple calculator with all basic functions
; Date Reminder : Don't ever forget an important date again!
All Products from Jose Falcao
Execute everything, from programs, to text files, to multimedia, in fact everything that has a registered extension, directly from your desktop. It will open a custom windows Dialog, from where you can chose the file to run, and then closes itself.
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My Agenda
My personal Agenda - This is an address and phone agenda, with phone list, birthday listing, search all, automatic phone dialing and several options. Has suport for 3 languages, and more can be added.
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File Renamer
Rename all your files and folders, with a lot more options. You can batch rename files, extensions, add or remove strings, numerate filenames, replace strings, and more.. Suports Drag and Drop and has 'undo' function.
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ToDo Reminder
Make a list of all the tasks you have To Do and remember.. Create lists of all your important events, anniversaries, things to do. Define priorities and dates to do things, archive old reminders, print list, sort by date or task, etc
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Date Reminder
Don't ever forget an important date again! Create a list of all your important dates - anniversaries, things to do, events, memories, etc. - and this little program will remind you whenever that date comes.
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Very small 'dragable' timer watch. To set the alarm, double click on 'body' of watch. To move, drag it's window arround with mouse.
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Mini Calculator
Mini Calculator is a simple 'pocket' calculator with all the basic functions, and that uses very little space in your desktop.
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Wav Player
Play all your multimedia sound and video files easily - can play WAV, MIDI, MPG, AVI, MP3 files, and all other types if you have all the necessary codecs in your computer. Can receive command line arguments, to play files and auto exit.
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