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Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design Publisher
Step by step shell and tube heat exchanger design and analysis software
Publisher: WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
Website: http://www.webbusterz.com
About Publisher: WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
WeBBusterZ Engineering Software develops: All Correspondence and Documents Manager : keep a track of all your correspondences
; Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design : Step by step shell & tube ex. design & rat
; Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design (S&THex) : Step by step shell and tube exchanger design
; Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger Design (PHex) : Thermal analysis calculations for Plate Ht.Ex
; Kettle Reboiler Design (KRD) : Thermal design & analysis for Kettle reboiler
All Products from WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger Design (PHex)
PHex is an easy to use tool which domonstrates the thermal calculations of Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers
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ChemEng Economics Calculator
Easy to use software demonstrates the procedures to estimate the net present value of industrial process plants. the calculation involves, fixed capital investment, operating labour,utility costs,raw materials & profits and production costs and m
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Kettle Reboiler Design (KRD)
This user friendly software is made to demonstrate the thermal design calculations and analysis of Kettle type reboilers.The software can be used to make preliminary sizing calculations that will help to give a clear outlook of the initial design.
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Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design (DHex)
DHex is a software tool that is made to demonstrate the chemical design calculations of Double pipe (hairpin) Heat Exchangers.The software will do all the thermal calculations involved in the design and will generate a summary of all results..etc
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Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design (S&THex)
Easy to use software demonstrates the chemical design calculations of Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers.Unlike other tools, ensures that calculations are performed step by step to help in understanding the design calculations...etc.
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All Correspondence and Documents Manager
keep a track of all your correspondences and documents that you have stored on your computer or on files. The software is easy to use and have many useful and custom features which allow the user to set reminders,add documents formats and numbering.
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Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design
Easy to use software demonstrates the chemical design & rating calculations of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers.Unlike other tools, ensures that calculations are performed step by step to help in understanding the design calculations...etc
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