The DNS Library is a COM component that makes dynamic DNS updates to RFC-2136-compatible DNS servers possible from any scripting languages in an easy way. For secure updates, HMAC-MD5 and GSS-TSIG are supported.
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Router Tester
Router Tester is an application to help DynSite users to accurately identify the path to the HTML status page of their routers.
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WakeUp is an experimental tool to test the features of ACPI computers.
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Motion Detection
Motion Detection is an application that saves still pictures and/or makes .avi files when anything in motion is detected in front of the selected webcam. The pictures and the frames of the movies are timestamped.
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This utility program will help you check all your media (fixed or removable like diskettes, zip, magneto-optical disks, or CD-R,...) and ensure that all your precious data that you store on them are safe and can be accessed successfully
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Display Power Management is a small command-line tool which allows you to turn the monitor or the screen saver on and off to save power. Run display.exe in a Command Prompt to learn more about its syntax.
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Dynamic Update Tester
Dynamic Update Tester is an application to test dynamic updates (RFC2136) on DNS servers. The latest version supports secure updates using transaction signatures (RFC2845). This is a test application not an automatic IP updater.
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CopyLock is a small program that allows replacing, moving, renaming or deleting one or many files which are currently in use.
Add the files to update, click Apply, restart and that's it!
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File Downloader
File Downloader is a small command-line tool which allows the downloading of a file from a HTTP or a FTP server. It can be easily inserted in a script or a batch file to automate file downloading.
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DynSite automatically updates your dynamic IP address each time it changes on one or many dynamic DNS or by email. This allows anyone to connect to the servers running on your own computer using a fully qualified domain name.
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SNMP Test for routers is a tool which can query and monitor any SNMP-compatible device but it is especially designed to test SNMP router compatibility.
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Plug-and-Play Monitor
Plug-and-Play Monitor is an experimental tool which displays plug-and-play notifications from the system. To start monitoring, select a device type from the drop-down list or tick Monitor all device types and click Start.
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Basic Authentication is a little program that converts a user name (login) and optionally a password to/from their Base64 Basic Authentication counterpart.
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Universal Converter
This Universal Converter allows you to convert to and from many UK, US and metric units.
To do a conversion, simply select a category, select the source and the target units. The conversation is made on the fly as you type the source value.
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Reflector Database Manager
Manage lists of reflectors for use by White Pine Enhanced CU-SeeMe. You can easily add, update or delete reflectors from a list file. You can maintain different lists and regenerate an updated nickname.ini file for use by CU-SeeMe.
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Line Counter
Line Counter is a command-line tool for software developers. It reports the total number of lines of code and comment lines in C, C++ and C# source files. The output may be redirected to a text file.
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Noel - CloseApp
CloseApp is a small command-line tool which closes all the running instances of the process whose executable name is specified as a parameter. Run closeapp.exe in a Command Prompt to learn more about its syntax.
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File Uploader
FileUploader is a small command-line tool which allows the uploading of one or many files (wildcards allowed) to a Web server (POST or PUT methods) or to a FTP server. It can be easily inserted in a script or a batch file to automate file uploading.
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Universal Plug-and-Play Tester
UPnP Tester is an experimental tool which lists all the available devices compatible with the Universal Plug-and-Play protocol including Internet Gateway Devices (IGDs). As soon as the program starts, it searches for available devices.
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ICQ Fixer
This little program patches the registry with the correct settings so that you can place a NetMeeting call to someone else using ICQ.
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Birthday Reminder
Birthday Reminder is a small application that takes place in the system tray. It searches your default Windows Address Book (WAB) and possibly displays the contacts who have their birthdays today.
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