Detailed Description of MesaMySQL For Mac 1.5.7
MesaMySQL For Mac makes creating, designing, and altering a MySQL database easy on Mac OS X. We also use MesaMySQL For Mac to edit, summarize, and analyze data for ourselves and clients. Although we build new databases most days, we spend more of our time viewing and editing data. MesaMySQL is set up for this in mind. MesaMySQL connects to MySQL servers v3.23 to v5.1. The database that drives this website was built with MesaMySQL.
Here is an overview of Mac MesaMySQL features
* Connect to a database on your machine or over the internet
* Open a new connection with each new window
* Open multiple connections to the same database
* Open connections to multiple databases on the same server
* Do both of the above at the same time
* Store your connections and specify a default connection
* View, add, and delete databases
* View, add, duplicate, rename, and delete tables
* Specify table type
* View, add, duplicate, rename, edit, and delete fields on tables
* Specify field type, length, unsigned, zerofill, nullable, default value, and autoincrement
* Add and delete indexes on tables
* View the Create Table sql syntax for your tables
Viewing and Editing Content
* Select encoding for viewing your data - encodings: UTF8, Win Arabic, Win Baltic Rim, Win Cyrillic, Win Greek, Win Latin 1, Win Latin 2, Win Vietnamese, K018-R, Shift-JIS, ISO Arabic, SO Cyrillic, ISO Greek, ISO Hebrew, ISO Latin 1, ISO Latin 2
* Limit the number of records that load upon table selection
* Suppress autoloading of records upon table selection
* Build query to limit records using dropdown menus
* Limit a recordset from a table by selecting a record count and a starting record
* Set a "Load Last" limit that will load the last "n" records in the table
* Limit the columns returned in a recordset
* Sort a recordset by multiple files
MesaMySQL For Mac is designed for: Mac OS X
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